Hi! My name is Daniel and I'm an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Amsterdam.
I'm a microeconomic theorist interested mainly in the fields of information economics, behavioral economics and political economics.
I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Sciences Po in 2023, advised by Eduardo Perez-Richet.
Working Papers
Redistribution Through Market Segmentation, with Victor Augias and Alexis Ghersengorin. New draft!
Extended abstract forthcoming in the Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'24).
Abstract: We study how to optimally segment a monopolistic market given a redistributive objective. Optimal redistributive segmentations (i) induce the seller to price progressively, i.e., richer consumers pay higher prices than poorer ones, and (ii) may require giving a higher profit than uniform pricing if the redistributive motive is strong. We further show that optimal redistributive segmentations are implementable via price-based regulation.
Abstract: We study a persuasion problem in which a sender designs an information structure to induce a non-Bayesian receiver to take a particular action. The receiver, who is privately informed about his preferences, is a wishful thinker: he is systematically overoptimistic about the most favorable outcomes. We show that wishful thinking can lead to a qualitative shift in the structure of optimal persuasion compared to the Bayesian case, whenever the sender is uncertain about what the receiver perceives as the best-case outcome in his decision problem.
Work in Progress
Regulating Market Segmentation, with Victor Augias and Alexis Ghersengorin.
Text and Subtext